Clutter Begone

At the beginning of a new calendar year, two agenda items always sit on my list:



The cleaning usually comes as I declutter, or the decluttering comes after I clean, but these two tasks go hand in hand to hopefully set us up for a somewhat successful first few weeks of the new year.

This morning, after a quick appearance on CNN, I decided to deep clean my refrigerator.

I’m not sure what disgusting gunk was lurking on the surface of the shelves, but let’s just say it was incredibly satisfying to scrub away practically two years of filth and build up.

Definitely should’ve done it sooner…

Reminds me of the sacrament of confession, to be honest. Something I should do a lot more often, that always makes me feel better, and reminds me that the gunk and grime is never permanent.

Maybe clean out your fridge…and call Father and clean your soul too.


In the heaviness…


The Miracle is You